Aaron Rosario
120 Saint Albans Drive Apt 633 𑁦 Raleigh, NC, 27609 𑁦 919.771.7636 hello@aaronrosario.com 𑁦 https://aaronrosario.com/
Local Social Inc.
Software Engineer (March 2018 – March 2021) Raleigh, NC
Handled full stack development tasks for LSI’s software suite and websites. LSI’s full portfolio includes web-based tools for owners (calendars, statements, addendums, communications, disaster recovery), guests (payments, contracts, communications), home services (housekeeping, scheduling, payroll) and executives (data analytics). Most tasks involved creation and updates of user interfaces and PDF generation but we were also responsible for third party API integrations (C#), new feature development (ASP), data management (SQL), infrastructure and security maintenance (AWS, Linux) and responsive conversion (HTML/CSS).
Kurtosys Systems, Inc.
Software Engineer (January 2017 – February 2018) Raleigh, NC
Developed software features and resolved bugs for their asset management platform. Our stack included AngularJS and C# using the Orchard framework on the front-end and Java Spring services connected to MemSQL and MS-SQL on the back end. Development tasks were full stack and configuration driven. Tasks generally involved report chart creation and alteration (via HighCharts and ChartDirector), data intake, SQL optimization, mobile styling, adding role-based logic for user taxonomies and validating client data. Our global team utilized agile best practices to manage five client projects through to production. We automated development operations with OctoDeploy, TeamCity and the Atlassian (git via bitbucket) suite.
Sysomos Expion
Web Application Developer (September 2015 - October 2016) Raleigh, NC
Developed mobile application and web application features, optimized code, handled bug resolution for our social media software suite. Work items and development efforts were developed using AngularJS, C#, Visual Studio (TFS) and SQL Server Management Studio in an agile environment.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Web Developer (November 2014 – September 2015) RTP, NC
My responsibilities included prototyping ideas, extending service features, design and maintenance of the Engineering IT departments’ web presence. My primary role was architecting and designing the website for marketing the twelve services offered internally by our department. The AngularJS website consisted of over 400 pages managed as WordPress posts by dozens of users via roles built upon a LAMP server tied into our internal SSO authentication system. This project was source controlled with Git and continuously integrated and deployed with Jenkins.
Maximum Processing, Inc.
Web Application Developer (April 2011 – November 2014) Garner, NC
Developed and updated web interfaces for insurance software. Normalized and imported data sets for various lines of business. Worked closely with clients and business analysts to bring the client’s vision to life in a timely fashion.
LocalWebsFast & A Creative Studio
Freelance Design Contractor (August 2008 – April 2011) Raleigh, NC
Synergy Communications
System Administrator (2006) Morrisville, NC
Capital Marketing Group Inc.
System Admin, Web Designer (August 1999 - August 2005) Raleigh, NC
Wake Technical Community College, Garner, North Carolina, GED